Safe to Exercise with a Pacemaker?

  • Posted by: Ashlie Miller
is it okay to exercise with a pacemaker? texas cardiology associates of houston kingwood explains

Is It Safe to Exercise with a Pacemaker?

People with pacemakers often wonder whether it’s safe to exercise with a pacemaker. Oftentimes, they are nervous about returning to either their preferred exercise routine or some strenuous activity once they have the device implanted. While it’s important to let yourself heal after the procedure, exercise remains an important part of life with a pacemaker. 

Moreover, it’s an aspect of life that you shouldn’t worry about too much. Together with your pacemaker, exercise keeps you on the path to better heart health. Modern pacemakers have the ability to safely modulate your heart rate as you exercise. 

However, there are few things to keep in mind before you head out to run a marathon. Your pacemaker helps your heart pump normally, but it’s still essential that you listen to your body. Below are a few tips from your Kingwood cardiologists to ensure your pacemaker doesn’t get in the way of your regular fitness routine. 


Keep a Medical ID with You 

While you’re out and about, it’s important to have your patient ID card with you in case of an emergency. However, carrying a card or wallet around is vastly less convenient when your workout involves a lot of movement. You may want to opt for a medical ID bracelet that won’t get in the way of your workout. 

This way, it’s safe to exercise with a pacemaker because in the event something happens, it’s vital that medical professionals know about your condition. 


Your Heart Monitor 

Typically, pacemakers have a rate cutoff. It’s important to avoid getting too close to this upper limit. When you exercise with a heart monitor, you can maintain a better understanding of your pulse. In turn, you have a chance to modulate your workout according to your pulse. 

Generally, it’s good to maintain a 10% margin between your exercise heart rate and the cutoff limit of your device. When your heart rate accelerates too quickly, try to tone down the activity and take deep breathes. This will help you manage your heart rate and keep it in a safe range before you get back into your workout. 


Ease Back Into It 

While it is safe to exercise with a pacemaker, it’s important to be careful. If you don’t already, incorporate a warm-up and cool-down period into your workout. This will help you better manage your heart rate over simply diving in or sitting down right after. An easy way to ease into it is to add a light walk before and after any run. 

For strength exercises, cool off from your workout with light 5-10 minutes on an exercise bike or elliptical. Most importantly, don’t expect to be able to immediately return to your same energy and exercise levels from your pre-pacemaker life. 

Even people who were active before receiving a pacemaker tend to see a decrease in their physical abilities as their body recovers and adapts to a managed heartbeat. This is entirely normal, and it’s something you can work through over time. When you maintain a good exercise routine, you increase your stamina and climb back to your old fitness levels. 


Avoid Contact Sports For a While 

For the most part, it’s safe to exercise with a pacemaker implanted. The devices won’t keep you from participating in most types of exercise. However, it’s good to avoid full-contact sports. This is because a hit or a fall has the potential to shift or even dislodge your pacemaker. Unless your Kingwood cardiologist tells you differently, it’s much safer to stick to walking, cycling, running, or swimming. 


While It’s Safe to Exercise with a Pacemaker, Don’t Push Yourself 

Far too often, people expect to be able to get back to their old fitness levels. Even among those who understand, they want to push themselves to recover faster. While admirable, there are a few signs to look out for that you might be pushing yourself a bit too hard. 

When you experience chest pain, fatigue, or dizziness, it’s essential that you stop exercising and immediately call your physician. Be aware of any shocks that might come from the device as well. Oftentimes, it’s an unfamiliar sensation. When you feel anything out of the ordinary, cut your workout short and seek guidance from your physician. 


Heart Health and When It’s Safe to Exercise with a Pacemaker 

While there’s a lot to keep in mind about whether it’s safe to exercise with a pacemaker, remember that it’s all in an effort to improve your heart health and quality of life. At TCAH, your Kingwood cardiologist will work with you to develop a comprehensive plan. This includes answering any questions you might have about the recovery period. 

Remember to listen to them and follow their safety precautions. Additionally, try to listen to your body and exercise in a way that feels right for you. Still have questions about exercising with a pacemaker? Contact us to schedule an appointment today!